An example:

Running in the Later Years

Coffee House


runners injury trail running tips running coach shelly Minnesota

Manitowish Waters, WI at Dixie’s Coffee House


While on my sons’ high school nordic ski trip I stole a few hours at a perfect coffee house. The decor is tasteful and thought through, Wisconsin cabin influenced. The conversations drifted around with laugher and interest. Everyone relaxed. Coffee houses bring community and connections.

Lately, I have been consumed by life’s circumstances and my inspiration to write has weaned. However, a knowledge seeking runner sent me a message asking for some advice on her new endeavor of trail running.

My favorite way to communicate is one on one. To take a person’s unique question and tumble it over in my mind and return with a hand full of pebbles for them to contemplate. That is my love. Simple conversation. Simple communication within a community. Just like the waves of voices filling the coffee house.

And so I pass these pebbles of tips onto you. In hopes that it will spark conversation within you and your community.

runners injury trail running tips running coach shelly Minnesota

QUESTION - What are your Trail Running Tips?

Here are a few trail running tips that come to mind from my experiences.

runners injury trail running tips running coach shelly Minnesota
  • Develop your ankle strength

  • Stretch your calves and feet before and after running

  • If you are following someone on the trail don't run too close to them. Your eye needs to see the terrain that is coming so maybe 20-30 feet behind your running partner is good.  Take turns leading.

  • Don’t avoid hills. Power walk/climb the steep hills, the strength gained from the lifting of your body up the hill is valuable.

  • Use a combination of train running and trail hiking. Both will increase your strength and endurance.

Question - How to keep Healthy and Injury Free in the later years?

Here are my tips for the runners that already have many many miles in their log books

  • Train with the body you have now, not what you had in the past. Your body can accomplish new goals.

  • Value your now body for all the experience it has, putting less focus on the weekly mileage and more on the quality of your miles. 

  • The key is recovery, complete the needed workout just at the point your body is adapted and primed for a new stress. Read through this article for more information.  

  • Seasons, cycles, let yourself have on and off stretches of time where you change focus or allow for extra recovery.

  • Invest in young runners. You have so much to give.


The running community has expanded beyond the coffee house to all over the world. Connect with runners, share with runners, and grow together!

runners injury trail running tips running coach shelly Minnesota