An example:

online running coach

Online Running Training Plans

marathon training plans


What online running training plans can and can’t do


Generic online training plans give you structure, multiple ways to challenge your body, and a quick answer. If you can keep yourself accountable and listen to your body while giving the proper amount of challenge and recovery, you can get to the start line ready for the race.

5K training plans

A running coach gives you

  • Training flexibility to fit within life’s demands

  • Expert advice to strengthen your weaknesses and take advantage of your strengths

  • Notice of upcoming pitfalls

  • Accountability

  • Helps you to properly recover from workouts

Contact a coach within 4-6 months before your race date. You dedicate a lot of energy, thought, and determination within your training, pair it with expert advice.


If you are training for Boston or wanting to break your 5K record consider working with a running coach who can guide you through individualized training.

online running coach

JUST RIGHT Training Plans: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days Series

#4 JUST RIGHT Training Plans


How to find the Just Right Training Plan for you

running training plans running coach shelly Minnesota



The first 2 weeks of the training plan need to be at your actual current level of fitness. By starting where you are at now, you can reduce injury and up enjoyment.


running training plans running coach shelly Minnesota

The guts of the training plan should include speed, distance, strengthening, and easy or rest days. Look for a variety of speed workouts so that you are giving yourself new challenges each week. The long run of the week should make up about 25% of your total weekly volume (exception: those with high training ages can run long runs up to 30-40% off their weekly mileage). Moderate strengthening training, within the training plan or on your own, will really boost your race performance. If the plan has you running every day of the week, it may not have been written by a runner. Understanding fatigue and recovery, therefore allowing the body to have easy days of running and rest days from running, will keep you on the trails and roads for many years to come.


Watch for a plan that includes a tapering of training as it gets closer to your main race day. For example, when training for a half marathon your last long run should be 2-3 weeks before race day. And it may seem odd to be reducing your weekly mileage so low right before the longest or fastest race than you have ever run but it is true, our bodies need to start the race rested and ready.

running training plans running coach shelly Minnesota


Select a JUST RIGHT TRAINING PLAN and hopefully an online COACH that fits you as a runner.

This 30 day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

Happy Runner




Sarah’s thoughts:

Sister and Sarah

Sister and Sarah

“I have been running for a few years after taking a 15+ year hiatus from the sport. About six months ago, I decided that I wanted to run a half marathon but knew that I needed some assistance to keep moving towards that goal.  I found Shelly through an online search and I couldn’t be happier about my decision to contact her.  At first, I was a little apprehensive at contacting Shelly… after all… how effective is online coaching?!  I can tell you from my personal experience that it is absolutely fantastic! 

When we first talked, Shelly and I discussed the training methods I’d used before, what her philosophy on training was, what my goals were and how she thought we could get there.  We hit it off right from the start.  One of the great things I liked about Shelly was that her goal is to get her athletes to the starting line in the best fitness possible, which means making sure you’re giving your body the time it needs to rest after putting in those hard workouts. I knew too many fellow runners who pushed their bodies to the point of injury and ended up missing out on their goal events due to it.

Shelly uses a combination of training tools including the Final Surge platform, which is a great way to share workouts, comments about the workouts, what you’re feeling, etc.  She also can be easily reached via phone, email and text messages to talk about workouts, any issues/injuries, and just about anything else that’s going on.  I think at times she’s part psychologist when it comes to running.

In the six months since contacting Shelly, I’ve gone from run/walking 5ks to running my first 10k and my first half marathon! Throughout the spring and summer, she consistently worked with me in evaluating my fitness, training progress and goals to adapt my training plans to meet my goal of running a half marathon in the fall.  I’m excited to see my results next year after another six months of training with Shelly!”
1st Half Marathon: 2:30:42 E-Race Cancer HM 2018

Sarah put into words so well the way in which I strive to guide runners. In her testimonial for my website she described our partnership these past 6 months. I have really appreciated her honesty, devotion, and desire to learn. We exchanged articles and portions of running literature in order to gain a better understanding of training and the body. Common runner concerns were answered with a thorough phone call or typed out text. We also shared in the delight of a finished half marathon at her desired pace. It has been such a great partnership. I am thankful she gave me a chance to be apart of her journey.

I love running and want others to be impacted by its many virtues. I work with only a handful of runners, cultivating a quality partnership. I make it a priority to be easily accessible. If you or your friend want to take your running experience to a new level, contact me. I am right here.


Sarah works with me through Weekly Training Guidance. It has been a very effective partnership.